C. Carey Cloud

"Down Yonder" Luke Barker says... Harmony Hall Closed

Down Yonder - Luke Barker says...      Harmony Hall closed on account o' th' talkies, to much talkin' in th' audience an' none on th' screen.
     Th' trouble with th' polytical machine is to much cheap gas.
     Pears t' me thet most wimmen think thet crooners ar th' mew, I think they run th' scales frum th' cat fish.

Translation for city slickers (non-hill people):

     Harmony Hall closed on account of the talkies, too much talking in the audience, and none on the screen.
     The trouble with the political machine is too much cheap gas.
     It appears to me that most women think that singers are the cat's meow, I think they run the scales from the cat fish.

January 26th, 1933

C. Carey Cloud