C. Carey Cloud

"Down Yonder" Luke Barker says... Last Cent for Bread

Down Yonder - Luke Barker says... Last Cent for Bread      I know a lot o' fellars thet will spend thar last cent fer bread an' not have a drop o' gas in th' fliver.
     Ef ya got t' keep givin' in t' some people jist t' keep'm as friends, then ya had better give'm t' air.

Translation for city slickers (non-hill people):

     I know a lot of people who would spend their last cent for bread, and not have a drop of gas in their car. (Fliver was a nickname given to the Ford Model T automobile.)
     If you have to keep giving in to some people just to keep them as friends, then you better give them the air.

February 27th, 1933

C. Carey Cloud