C. Carey Cloud

"Down Yonder" Luke Barker says... Optimistic Circulars

Down Yonder - Luke Barker says... Optimistic Circulars      About th' only encouragin' thing about th circulars thet come in th' mails at this time, sez Newt Foster, is they they allus speak so optermistic.
     Sleepy Stevins expects t' make a motor trip t' th' city jist ez soon ez somebuddy throws away another fairly good ole tire.

Translation for city slickers (non-hill people):

     The only encouraging thing about the circulars that come in the mail, says Newt Foster, is that they always so optimistic.
     Sleepy Stevins expects to make a motor trip to the city just as soon as somebody throws away another fairly good old tire.

February 6th, 1933

C. Carey Cloud