C. Carey Cloud

"Down Yonder" Luke Barker says... Twenty Miles From Home

Down Yonder - Luke Barker says... Twenty Miles From Home      Th' pioneers may have had t' put up with a lot o' hardships but they never had t' contend with a 1926 model autobyle with a frozen rad'ator an' a flat tire twenty miles fum home.
     Th' meek may inherit th' earth but I'll bet they can't git by th' gove'ment without payin' inharitance tax.

Translation for city slickers (non-hill people):

     The pioneers may have had to put up with many hardships, but they never had to contend with a 1926 model car with a frozen radiator and a flat tire, twenty miles from home.
     The meek may inherit the earth, but I'll bet they get by the government without paying an inheritance tax.

February 3rd, 1933

C. Carey Cloud