C. Carey Cloud

"Down Yonder" Luke Barker says... Valentine Cards

Down Yonder - Luke Barker says... Valentine Cards      They say thet Christmas cards reflect th' sender, I jist wonder ef some o' th' Valentines don't do th' same.
     Th' fellar thet use t' stand on th' street corner an' sing Sweet Adeline after ever'buddy wus in bed now haz a high powered raddio thet he turns on full blast.

Translation for city slickers (non-hill people):

     They say that Christmas cards reflect the sender, I wonder if the same applies to Valentine cards.
     The fellow that used to stand on the street cornet and sing Sweet Adeline after everybody went to bed, now has a high powered radio that he turns on full blast.

February 14th, 1933

C. Carey Cloud