Luke Spence » The Dogs » Bear and Napoleon's Odd Haircuts

Bear, imitation a lion, growls at the ground.

Bear, imitation a lion, growls at the ground.
Being a young lion, Bear's mane is still a little short.

Being a young lion, Bear's mane is still a little short.
Bear's mane is flattened from running into the wind.

Bear's mane is flattened from running into the wind.
Running in circles, Bear goes nowhere.

Running in circles, Bear goes nowhere.
Napoleon sporting a mohawk, imitates a Pointer.

Napoleon sporting a mohawk, imitates a Pointer.
Free from his heavy winter coat, Eon runs.

Free from his heavy winter coat, Eon runs.
Peaking around the corner of the house, Eon watched people in the park.

Peaking around the corner of the house, Eon watched people in the park.
Using his sensitive nose, Eon investigates the various scents in his yard.

Using his sensitive nose, Eon investigates the various scents in his yard.
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(I'm sure you already knew that.)

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